Elevating leaders & professional women to make impact...

Executive leadership and career coaching. Gender equity advising. Speaking and workshops.

For individuals and organizations.

Elevating leaders & professional women to make impact...

Executive leadership and career coaching. Gender equity advising. Speaking and workshops.

For individuals and organizations.

Our society will be a better place when all workers have equitable access to careers that allow them to share their gifts and talents through the work they do.

And though you believe this, you may find yourself wondering one of two things

1. What steps can my organization take to build a more equitable and engaged work environment?

— OR —

2. How can I enhance my leadership to show up authentically and effectively to support professional my growth?

The good news is that you don’t need to find these answers on your own.

Learn about the ways we can work together for leadership coaching and development, speaking engagements and workshops, or career coaching.

Kim Jones, executive leadership

About Kim

Executive leadership and career coach, speaker, facilitator, and gender equity advisor.

My work centers on creating and nurturing inclusive workplaces where all workers thrive and increasing the impact leaders and professional women have through the work they do.

I advise my corporate clients on how to build the organizational structures that equitably support all workers and coach leaders and professional women to design and implement careers that enable them to reach their highest professional potential.

I am passionate about doing the work needed to change our current equity paradigms and to coach my clients to create careers that light them up so they can share their talents in their organization and the world at large.

Alison D. Portrait

Alison D

“Kim’s invaluable support and guidance have empowered me.

I began working with Kim at a time when I was definitely questioning my role and relevance in the workforce, amplified by the fact that I felt taken advantage of for longer than I care to admit.

Having an ally in Kim has been instrumental in helping me gain clarity on my strengths while ensuring I stay true to my nature. She has helped me recognize the vital skills I always had, including my ability to lead and inspire my teams.

Feeling much more grounded in my power enables me to walk into any work situation with clearer intention and confidence, and has ignited my excitement for what’s next in my career.”

Alison D.
Chief Administrative Officer